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Classes and Pricing

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Basic/Beginner Pistol Class


Total Instruction Time: 5 hours


Classes fill up fast register today.


Prerequisites: None

This course has been developed for the new gun owner and the gun owner who has never had formal training. You will learn defensive shooting techniques on how to protect yourself, legal aspects of owning a hand gun, proper use and concealed carry of your weapon, use of force and weapon retention. This class is equivalent to Law Enforcement/Security officer Standards. 


Items to bring to class: Handgun Semi Automatic or Revolver, a good sturdy belt, holster, two magazines and magazine pouch, between 150 -200 rounds of range ammunition, eye and hearing protection.

No open toed shoes allowed. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email. 

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot. 


Regular price $150    Special  Price $130

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Tactical AR-15/Rifle 1


Total Instruction Time: 5-6 hours

All rifles can be used in this class. Call for details.


Prerequisites: None

This is a Tactical introduction to the AR-15 rifle shooting platform. This class is for the person who wants to understand how their rifle functions and how to use it properly. Class is broken up into three sections. First is care and maintenance second is learning how to effectively sight your weapon in and third is Tactical movement and shooting positions. You will experience numerous shooting drills to include transitions from primary to alternate weapons and Tactical scenarios for everyday situations. 


Items to bring to class: A serviceable Rifle and sling a handgun if you don't have a handgun that is OK ,150-200 rounds of rifle ammo and 30 rounds pistol ammo. Minimum of 2 magazines for each weapon and magazine pouch if you have one holster for pistol, eye and hearing protection. Feel free to wear what ever gear you want to train with meaning (Vest, Chest rigs or battle belts or nothing at all that is ok) Knee and elbow pads are recommended but not necessary. 

No open toed shoes allowed. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot. 

                    Price $150      

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Tactical Pistol 1


Total instruction time: 5-6 hours


Classes fill up very fast don't wait register today.


Prerequisite: Basic Pistol or have prior Firearms Training.


In this course we will focus on detailed marksmanship techniques, Target designation,Tactical movement while shooting, defensive and offensive firing positions, defensive shooting techniques to include concealed carry and CQB (Close Quarter Battle). Also home defense and other defensive scenarios will be taught including advanced weapon retention. 

Items to bring to class: Handgun, a good sturdy belt, holster, two magazines and magazine pouch, 150-200 rounds of range ammunition, eye and hearing protection. No open toed shoes allowed. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.


Regular price $150     Special $130

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Tactical AR-15/ Rifle 2


Total Instruction Time: 5-6 hours

Prerequisite: Tactical AR-1 or prior Firearms Training with this weapon system.

Other rifles can be used in this class call for details.


This is Advanced Tactical introduction to the AR-15 rifle, In this class we will work on proper target designation for the individual shooter. You will learn two and four man team movements in a CQB environment.  Individual Tactical combat marksmanship to include primary and alternate weapon systems. You will also experience numerous Tactical Scenarios.  Certificates will be awarded upon completion of class.


Items to bring to class: A serviceable Rifle and Pistol, 150-200 rounds of rifle ammo and 100 rounds pistol ammo. Minimum of 2 magazines for each weapon and magazine pouch a Tactical Sling and holster for pistol, eye and hearing protection. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.


Price: $150

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Tactical Handgun Training

Tactical Pistol 2


Total Instruction Time: 5 hours


Prerequisites: Tactical Pistol 1


In this course we will focus on advanced markmanship skills to include Advanced shooting positions, personal protection senarios, concealment shooting, threat assessment, Use of Force,

Advanced CQB (Close Quarters Battle) Techniques. This class is equivalent to a Special Operator in the United State Marine Corps. 


Items to bring to class: A handgun, a good sturdy belt, holster, two magazines and magazine pouch, 175 rounds of range ammunition, eye and hearing protection. No open toed shoes allowed. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot. 

Regular price $150       Special  Price $130

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Tactical AR-15/ Rifle 3

Total Instruction Time: 6 hours

Prerequisite: Tactical AR-2

Other rifles can be used in this class call for details.

This is the third installment of our Tactical AR classes. We recommend taking this class after the Tactical AR-2 class. This class will round you off as a proficient Tactical Rifle operator. In this class we will teach the process of acquiring long range targets. You will establish your primary Battle Sight Zero (BZO) and then progress to hit targets from 50 to 300 yards from multiple firing positions. Students will learn how to properly adjust their optics or iron sights due to weather and distance.

Certificates will be awarded upon completion of class.

Items to bring to class: A serviceable Rifle 150-200 rounds of rifle ammo. Minimum of 2 magazine a Tactical Sling and, eye and hearing protection. You can bring a shooting mat and a backpack for prone position.

This class is outside.

To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.




Price: $150

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Tactical Firearms Training in Georgia

Tactical Pistol 3


Prerequisites: Tactical Pistol 2

Total Instructions Time: 5 hours


In this course we will focus on advanced Target designation skills to include Advanced moving and shooting positions, Advanced threat assessment,

Advanced CQB (Close Quarters Battle) to include team techniques. This class is very demanding mentally and physically. This class is equivalent to a Special Operator in the United State Marine Corps (MARSOC) and Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST).


Items to bring to class: A handgun, a good sturdy belt, holster, two magazines and magazine pouch, 200 rounds of range ammunition, eye and hearing protective. This class is outside.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.


Regular Price $150


Special Price $130

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Tactical Shotgun Training in Georgia

Tactical Shotgun


Total Instruction Time: 5-6 hours


Prerequisites: None

This course has been developed for the Shotgun owner or if you are just wanting to refresh your shotgun shooting skills. You will learn proper carry, care, proper deployment of your weapon along with defensive shooting techniques.

We will introduce the student to weapon transitions so if you have a handgun feel free to bring it as well. 

Items to bring to class: A serviceable Shotgun with sling, Shotgun belt or shooting vest, 100 rounds of bird shot ammunition feel free to bring slug or buck shot as well , eye and hearing protection we recommend elbow and knee pads. No open toed shoes allowed.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.

                                         Price $150

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Women Only Basic Pistol Class


Total Instruction Time: 5 hours


Prerequisites: None

This course has been developed for the new gun owner and the gun owner who has never had formal training. You will learn defensive shooting techinques on how to protect yourself, legal aspects of owning a hand gun, proper use and carry of your weapon. This class is equivalent to Law Enforcement/Security officer Standards. Certificates will be awarded upon completion of class.


Items to bring to class:  handgun semi-automatic or revolver a good sturdy belt, holster, two magazines and one magazine pouch, 200 rounds of range ammunition, eye and hearing protection. No open toed shoes allowed.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.



Regular price $150           Special  Price $130

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Gatekeeper  Church Security Program

 We provide Security consulting and training to churches and ministries of all sizes.​ From initial set up of your security team to advanced training we can help with any need you may have.​

Our certification program includes:

1. Helping organize security staff along with plans and policies.

2. Providing armed security training.

3. Active shooter and critical response training.

4.  Preschool and youth security procedures

5.  First Aid and training of church team and missionaries.

 We understand that each church's needs are different so please call for a free consultation.

Call Paul Forgey at 678-283-5104


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 Speed & Accuracy Class

Total Instruction Time: 5 hours

Learn to shoot faster and more accurately. Shooting at the speed of a gunfight is a skill all can learn with patience and practice. Let us guide you using a prescribed methodology that will help you develop these required skills.


The prerequisite for this class is that you must have had taken the Basic Pistol class or have had prior firearms weapons training.


To Register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email


                          Price $130

4G Tactical Special Operator Status

Operator status is a combination of Firearms, First Aid and Tactical Skills taught and maintained at a high level of proficiency.

Qualifications for Operator Status:

Must have completed Tactical Pistol 1 and Tactical AR- 1 classes

Process for Operator Status:

This class is conducted numerous times during the year and is an ongoing Tactical training class experience. 

Each class session is conducted in a team environment this assures team building and working within a unit. 

Classes are to challenge the individual while  learning new skill sets. 

You will maintain proficiency with your firearms and tactical skills by being tested and qualifying every class and periodically.   

The goal is to complete as many training sessions you can in a 12 month period.

This class structure can be physical and challenging but worth it.

If you are serious about maintaining your training don't miss this. 

Please email Paul with any questions about this process.

Price $150 

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Concealed Carry Class in Georgia

Concealed Carry Class

Total instruction Time: 4-5 hours


Classes fill up fast so book early


Prerequisite: Basic Pistol 

This class also includes the Stop the Bleed Certification


This course has been developed to introduce the concealed carry holder on the proper way to carry concealed. You will learn the proper methods on manipulating your weapon under concealed conditions while experiencing reality based scenarios. To include room clearing and low light situations.  

Items to needed for class: Handgun, semi-automatic or revolver, a sturdy belt, holster, two magazines, magazine pouch is optional, 200 rounds of ammo, eye and hearing protection. Zippered Jacket or other concealed clothing. No open toes shoes permitted.

To register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a $20 deposit to secure your spot.



Price $130

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Low Light Handgun & Rifle


Total instruction Time: 4-5 hours


Classes fill up fast so book early


Prerequisite: Tactical Pistol 1 & AR-1 


This course has been developed to introduce the concealed carry holder on the proper way to manipulate lighting systems and acquire target designation under low light and no light scenarios.  This is a great class to experience as most handgun owners never get to shoot in complete darkness or low light situations.


Items to needed for class: Hand held flashlight the highest lumens possible, handgun, semi-automatic or revolver, a study belt, holster, two magazines and magazine pouch, 200 rounds of ammo, eye and hearing protection.  Open toe shoes are not permitted.

To register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a non refundable deposit to secure your spot in the class.

Price $150


​Tactical Weekend 

Training Dates: Check back for dates  

Cost is: 

Instruction Time: 2 days 

Join students from across the United States coming to take part in a two day Tactical Training evolution. 


Don't miss this training

Skill sets covered:

Basic to Advance Handgun and Rifle skill sets

Close Quarters and Threat assessment along with Target Designation for Rifle and Handgun

Concealed Carry Techniques

Force on Force Techniques

Sniper Introduction

Self Defense Techniques

Tactical First Aid along with Bugout Improvised First Aid

Some students will be camping out during this event if interested let us know. We offer RV camping and Tent camping as well.  

Register today by clicking the Button below and fill out the registration boxes. Please specify you are wanting to attend the Tactical Weekend.

This registration requires a none refundable deposit of $100 the remaining balance will be due the weekend of training. For additional information please contact Paul at 678-283-5104. 

This is a review from our Black Ops weekend training not our Tactical Weekend. 


"Black ops weekend was intense, but intensely important for any serious prepper. The skills learned were not just hypothetical skills that may or may not be used, but rather skills that will likely become a norm if one has to INCH out (I'm Never Coming Home). Most people never get to do what we did. Though the night shoot was, in my opinion, the highlight, trying to navigate at night while having ex-military dudes hunt you with NV and automatic airsoft guns makes for an experience you won't forget.



Paul is a blessed instructor and makes things easy to understand even when you are at the end of a 27 hour training day running on 3 hours of sleep from the night before. Lack of sleep might get you all jacked up, you follow me? My advice; get sleep and lots of it the night before, bring something to record the lessons, get a good and easy to use compass, bring EVERYTHING that is required and a change of clothes and shoes, stock up on tracers, have fun even in the suck, and pray for strength. "


Ross M.


Stop The Bleed Class

Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.

No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency first responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. Those nearest to someone with life threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care.

To register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a non refundable deposit to secure your spot in the class.

Gun Cleaning Session

Approximately 2 hours 

Handguns/ Rifles/ Shotguns


This session is offered for the gun owner who wants to learn the nuts and bolts of cleaning the weapon systems they own or just needs to clean their guns. We will properly show you how to disassemble and reassemble and clean your weapons every step of the way from beginning to end. So if you have fired your weapons and they are sitting around your home dirty they need to be cleaned. We hope to see you at the next cleaning session.

To register click calendar and then select class date fill out registration form and submit. We will respond back with a confirmation email.

After you register click the Buy Now Button to submit a non refundable deposit to secure your spot in the class.

                Price $20

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CALL: (678) 283-5104
Reality Based Firearms Training in Georgia at it's Best.
Veterans , First Responders and Teacher Discounts $10 off all classes always.


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